At the year’s lobster dinner event, Hummersupé 2024, at Isbolaget Restaurang, Donsö, Sweden.
Text & Photo © CM Cordeiro & , JE Nilsson 2024

There are moments in life that feel almost too exceptional to put into words, and this weekend’s Hummersupé 2024 at Isbolaget Restaurant, Donsö, was exactly that—a magical blend of a stunning sunset, quiet and warm interiors, and a sumptuous culinary experience that makes evenings like this unforgettable.

I’ve lived on the island of Styrsö since 2002, when I first arrived in Gothenburg, Sweden. Donsö is the neighboring island, connected to Styrsö by a bridge. In the early 2000s, we used to sail to Donsö, just for the fun of summer boating, grab an ice cream from the local shops, and turn around to head back home. The southern Gothenburg archipelago is home to me, and these islands will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s a place where the open ocean wraps around smooth, rocky coastlines, creating a serene setting that feels worlds away from the hustle of everyday city life.

Over two decades, the southern Gothenburg archipelago has drawn increasing interest from tourists, and each summer sees its visitor numbers grow. Donsö has always been a shipping hub, and that has expanded over the decades to include hotels and conference facilities. Business meetings by the sea are nothing short of ideal.

This weekend was the much-anticipated Hummersupé 2024 by Isbolaget Restaurant, Donsö. The evening sky was brilliant in shades of subtle blues, and the golden glow of the sunset over the archipelago set the tone for the evening. Inside Isbolaget, we were greeted by a cozy, warm, and inviting space—one that made us instantly feel at home. This was our second time at this restaurant, and once again, we confirmed that we love this place.

The Journey Begins: Baked Oysters and Beyond

The culinary journey began with baked oysters, which arrived on a glistening bed of sea salt. Baked exquisitely and topped with melted parmigiano, the warmth of the oysters brought us right home from the slight chill of the autumn coastal winds. We were informed that the culinary team had prepared a list of wines paired with each of the seven dishes for the evening. First drink of the evening? Champagne. We could, of course, have had the oysters with Tarani Sauvignon Blanc, they said. Difficult choice. But we heard the word “Champagne” first, so Champagne it was!

Next, we enjoyed a vibrant lobster salad—fresh, light, and packed with flavor. Each bite was a delightful mix of textures, with just the right balance of acidity to bring it all together. The lobster itself was tender and sweet, and it tasted like it had just been pulled from the sea that very morning.

Then came the ceviche—a dish that seemed to capture the essence of the ocean. It was bright, citrusy, and refreshing, perfectly suited to cleanse the palate for what was to come. Every element on the plate worked in harmony, and it reminded me why ceviche is a much-loved dish by many—it’s simple, honest food that lets the ingredients shine.

The Stars of the Show: Lobster Roll and Half Lobster

The lobster roll was next, and it was pure decadence. Fluffy, buttery brioche packed with rich lobster claw meat—every bite was indulgent. It was the kind of comfort food that you never want to end, and it was an absolute hit at the table.

But the true highlight of the evening was the half lobster, cooked flawlessly. You could hear the dimming of voices as this dish was brought out from the kitchen. The awed silence in the dining room was followed by the soft cracking open of the shells to savor the tender, succulent meat inside. This lobster was everything you could hope for—sweet, juicy, and just slightly smoky from the grill. Paired with a bold Porter from Beerbibliotek, the richness of the lobster was perfectly balanced, and it was, quite honestly, the pinnacle of the night.

Tender Cod and a Sweet Finale

If the evening had ended on that note of the half lobster, I would have been absolutely content to roll right into bed, happy and grateful for a wonderful weekend. Yet, following the half lobster, we were served a beautifully cooked cod loin—tender, flaky, and full of flavor. The dish was simple, allowing the freshness of the fish to take center stage, and it rounded out the main courses beautifully. By this point, it was clear that each dish and each wine pairing had been carefully curated to flow seamlessly into the next, and the progression of flavors was flawless.

We ended the meal with a light and refreshing freshly churned sorbet. After such a rich and indulgent feast, the sorbet was a welcome palate cleanser—a way to end the evening on a fresh note. It was served with a sweet Moscato d’Asti from Italy, which added just the right amount of sweetness to finish things off.

Pairing Excellence

One of the things that truly elevated this meal was the thoughtful drink pairings. Each dish was served with a carefully selected wine or beer, bringing out the best of the flavors on the plate. From the crisp Sauvignon Blanc to the rich Porter, and ending with the sweet Moscato, each pairing felt like a perfect match—adding depth and dimension to every bite.

The Magic of Donsö

While the food and drinks were certainly the stars of the night, there was something about the setting and the atmosphere that made the evening truly magical. As we sat there, sharing stories and enjoying the incredible flavors, it felt like time had slowed down. It was one of those rare occasions where everything comes together just right, and you find yourself completely present, enjoying every moment. We arrived to dinner just at sunset, and left the restaurant to step into a velvet star-cloaked sky. The lights from the houses lining the coast reflecting perfectly off the still night ocean waters made you feel tangibly connected to the intangible.

Gratitude to the Culinary Team

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the culinary team behind Hummersupé 2024. Every dish, every flavor, and every detail was executed superbly, and it made for an evening we won’t soon forget. Thank you for crafting such a wonderful experience—one that showcased not only the incredible seafood of the Swedish archipelago but also the passion and dedication that goes into each and every dish.

Final Thoughts

Hummersupé 2024 at Isbolaget Restaurant was more than just a meal—it was a celebration of the sea, of the beauty of the archipelago, and of the joy that comes from sharing amazing food with even better company. It reminded me why I love experiences like this—where food becomes a way to connect, to create memories, and to celebrate the magic of a place.

A heartfelt Thank You, Isbolaget, for an unforgettable evening. 🦞✨