Born in the vibrant city of Singapore with a unique Eurasian blend of Portuguese and Chinese heritage, my journey has taken me from the bustling streets of Singapore to the serene landscapes of Sweden and beyond. My academic journey began in Singapore, where I completed two Master’s degrees: a Master of Science in Information Studies from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and a Master of Arts in English Language from the National University of Singapore (NUS). In 1999, I had the privilege of representing Singapore at the Miss Universe Pageant in Trinidad and Tobago, an experience that led to media and ambassadorial work for the Singapore Tourism Board.
In 2002, I moved to Sweden to pursue my PhD in applied linguistics at the University of Gothenburg. My doctoral research explored cultural and managerial dynamics at the intersection of Swedish-Asian corporate relations. This journey into critical discourse analysis and cross-cultural business strategies laid the groundwork for my subsequent career, bridging academia and industry.
I currently work as Project Manager, EU and International, at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, in the Division of Bioeconomy and Health. My focus is on coordinating high-impact EU-funded projects that promote circular economy solutions, nutrient recovery, and recycling. Working closely with RISE lead scientists, I help conceptualize EU tender projects and lead international consortia to address pressing environmental challenges. My role at RISE is much like that of a key account manager for EU funding and tenders, overseeing complex projects to secure impactful, high-value funding. Since joining RISE in 2022, I’ve co-led multiple projects, including CiNURGi, iCOSHELLs, and FERTITEC, securing over €20.5 million in funding.
Through networks such as EU Interreg BSR, the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP), Mission Soil, and EUSBSR (EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region), I contribute to policy and research initiatives focused on nutrient stewardship, sustainable soil management, and circular economy practices. My work is based in Mölndal, Sweden—a historical municipality known for its industrial heritage, located just a short ride from Gothenburg.
My professional journey has also taken me to Northern Norway, where I lived from 2018 to 2022, working as Market Scientist in the seafood industry at Nofima. Living in Tromsø, “Paris of the North,” offered an experience of the Arctic Circle’s extraordinary seasonal rhythms—the midnight sun, polar nights, and breathtaking northern lights. These Nordic landscapes have become an integral part of my life and inspiration for my writing.
In these pages at cmariec.com, you’ll find my lifestyle musings, culinary discoveries, and reflections on life’s many transitions, from Singapore to Sweden, and my time in Tromsø. Join me as I continue exploring the interplay of culture, nature, and sustainability across my professional and personal journeys.
Cheryl Marie Cordeiro | PhD MSc MA
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